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Get Hair Dye Off Skin

Get Hair Dye Off Skin - We've all been there before. The thrill of dying our hair a new color, the excitement of a fresh look, the dread of seeing the hair dye stains on our skin. But fear not, my fellow dye enthusiasts! I have scoured the internet for the most hilarious and effective ways to remove hair dye from our skin. So put on your gloves, grab some bleach (just kidding, don't actually grab bleach), and let's get started!

Miracle Products

Hair Dye Remover Wipes

Hair Dye Remover Wipes
These bad boys are a game changer. They are specifically designed to remove hair dye from your skin (what a concept, right?). They are gentle and won't irritate your skin, plus they come in individual packets perfect for on-the-go touch ups. Just remember to bring some extra cash with you, because these puppies aren't cheap.


Yes, you read that right. Toothpaste isn't just for your teeth anymore. Spread some toothpaste on the hair dye stain and rub it in with a toothbrush (clean, obviously). You'll feel like you're back in middle school getting ready for picture day, but it works like a charm.

DIY Solutions

Vinegar and Warm Water

Vinegar and Warm Water
Mix equal parts vinegar and warm water, and use a cotton ball to gently rub the mixture onto the stain. The acid in the vinegar will break down the hair dye, leaving your skin dye-free. The only downside to this method is the strong smell of vinegar, so maybe avoid doing this in a crowded public space, unless you want to be the "smelly hair dye remover" person.

Baking Soda and Dish Soap

Baking Soda and Dish Soap
Mix a tablespoon of baking soda and a small amount of dish soap to create a paste. Apply the paste to the hair dye stain and scrub gently with a toothbrush. Rinse with warm water and voila! No more hair dye stains (and you'll have nice fresh breath from the toothpaste you used earlier).

Unconventional Methods

Hand Sanitizer

Hand Sanitizer
You know that little bottle of hand sanitizer you keep in your purse at all times (especially in the year of our lord 2020)? Well, it's not just for sanitizing your hands anymore. Put a small amount of hand sanitizer on a cotton ball and rub it onto the hair dye stain. This method works best if you catch the hair dye stain early, so you may want to carry an emergency bottle of hand sanitizer with you at all times (you know, just in case).

Cream of Tartar and Lemon Juice

Cream of Tartar and Lemon Juice
This method is a bit more complex, but it's worth it (I mean, who doesn't want an excuse to use cream of tartar?). Mix equal parts cream of tartar and lemon juice to create a paste. Apply the paste onto the hair dye stain and let it sit for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and marvel at your dye-free skin. Just make sure to rinse thoroughly or else you'll look like a lemon meringue pie.

So, there you have it folks. The most hilarious and effective ways to remove hair dye from your skin. Try them out and let me know which method worked best for you (and if you discovered any new methods along the way). Happy hair dyeing (minus the stains on your skin)!

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